"Annual Maintenance Contract" 


Your business has become highly dependent on computers and you dread the thought of your computer developing a problem at the wrong moment, when you need it the most. 

Why don't you get an annual maintenance contract with us and relax?

We will :

  • attend your faulty computer in the shortest possible time, usually the same day
  • repair/replace the defective components (at our cost for comprehensive warranty)
  • do preventive maintenance of your computer every month
  • optimise the settings so that they work efficiently
  • check for virus, once every month
  • make sure you can connect to your network flawlessly

We offer a wide range of Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Desktop, Printer and Monitor Repair Services in Mumbai. Our commitment to world class customer service has made us the most respected on-site computer repair and support provider in our service area. Most important we guarantee our work with the help of experienced support staff.

We are specialist in providing on site computer repair services and network support for all sized business, on site computer and network services that are convenient and reliable, Why hassle with disassembling your PC from your home and bring it to a repair shop every time when it has the problems ? When virus and spyware issues surface or other computer headaches arise.

Just Log the complaint for onsite PC service whether you want to improve your computer’s performance with an upgrade or install a wireless network or have any type of hardware or software problems.










What's included in an Annual Maintenance Agreement?



  • We will perform preventative maintenance and optimization services every 3 months (up to 4 times per year). 
  • We will clean up your computer(s), removing any spyware, adware, malware, viruses, and general computer "clutter" that accumulates over time and slows down your system's performance. 
  • Since dust accumulates inside your system (preventing critical components from cooling properly), we physically clean your system as well.
  • We will update all operating system and program files, and optimize your system for best possible performance.  
  • We will back up your files and data per a pre-arranged backup protocol or verify that your backup systems are functioning properly. 


Call us anytime you have a question, concern, or problem regarding your computer or its operation.  Most times we can walk you through a process or answer your questions with a quick telephone conversation or by connecting remotely via the Internet.  Often the right answer at the right time can save lots of problems.  You know...  "A stitch in time, saves nine".


If there are repair issues that can't be handled by phone, you'll receive priority (over non-agreement customers) in scheduling a service call or remote service appointment.  In-shop expediting (front-of-the-line priority) still requires an expedite fee.

REDUCED LABOR RATE (1/2 price labor)

All routine preventative-maintenance work is included in your maintenance agreement.  Any additional work we do for you will be at 1/2 our normal applicable rate.  This rate is viable for repairs, new system construction, training, or any projects that you might need help with.  Emergency (same day, after hours, and holidays rates) service not included.  1/2-price labor does not apply to laptop hardware repairs (broken screen, DC jack replacement) or Data Recovery Services. 


We offer two types of maintenance contract :

  1. Standard  - We provide quarterly preventive & maintenance service 4 times a year.
  2. Premium - We provide service as and when required and you pay the repair/replacement cost only.
  3. Platinum - We provide service as and when required. Replacement of parts included

Our Annual maintenance contract is available in following plans:

  Standard Premium Platinum
On-site Support - 12 Months
Unlimited Remote Support
Software Support  
Printer & Networking Support  
Antivirus / Virus Removal Optional
Free Visits Per Year 4 12
24 Hour Uptime Guarantee*  
Discount on Spares
Cost of replacement of Parts    
AMC Charges per Desktop 1200/- 2400 3850
AMC Charges per Laptop 1800/- 3000 4900


 Comprehensive AMC also available for corporate clients - 
  • 12 months on site
  • Including Labour + Spares
  • Replacement of Spares, subject to  availability
  • Routine preventive Maintenance
  • Priority in Support
  • Ideal for Corporate clients who think Time is Money

We also provide On Call Support -  

  • Charges per Problem Rs. 250/-
  • Replacement of Spares cost extra
  • Ideal for SOHO (Small Office & Home User)

Need urgently AMC & Onsite Service


In case your needs are not listed, Please feel free to Contact Us, and we will be more than happy to help you out or at least steer you in the right direction.


We are authorised support Partners : Acer | Dell | IBM | HP | Lenovo | Samsung | Cisco | D-link | Kaspersky | Quick Heal | Tally | Microsoft | Netgear



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